
Oil extraction and production are critical processes that drive the global economy, providing energy and raw materials for various industries. However, the presence of hydrogen sulfide (H2S) in oil reservoirs poses significant challenges to the industry. In this technical blog post, we will explore the impact of hydrogen sulfide on oil extraction, production, and revenue, as well as discuss effective mitigation strategies, with a focus on the revolutionary Hydrolyte™ hypochlorous acid.

The Role of Hydrogen Sulfide in Oil Production:

Hydrogen sulfide, a highly toxic and corrosive gas, is often found in oil reservoirs. Its presence not only jeopardizes the health and safety of workers but also leads to decreased oil production and lower prices per barrel at the refinery. Understanding the detrimental effects of H2S is crucial for implementing effective mitigation measures.

Impact on Oil Production:

In oil production, hydrogen sulfide poses a significant threat to the oil and gas industry. The gas reacts with iron present in rock formations, forming iron sulfide precipitates that plug pores and restrict oil flow within the wellbore and reservoir. These plugs obstruct the flow of oil, resulting in reduced production rates. The economic implications of decreased production are significant, as it directly correlates with lower revenue for oil-producing companies.

Preventing Oil from Going to Market:

A critical factor in the oil industry is marketability of the produced oil. High levels of hydrogen sulfide above 3-5% render the oil unsuitable for market consumption due to the additional processing required to remove the gas. It is essential to determine the threshold percentage of H2S in oil that prevents it from going to market, as exceeding this limit can lead to substantial financial losses. This lower selling price per barrel translates to direct revenue loss for producers.


Hydrogen Sulfide acts like a corrosive acid, eating away at pipelines, storage tanks, drilling and processing equipment. This continuous deterioration leads to expensive repairs, replacements, and production downtime, further eroding profits.

These real-world examples paint a concerning picture of how H₂S significantly impacts onshore oil production. The substantial losses incurred highlight the crucial need for effective H₂S management strategies to protect well integrity, optimize production, and safeguard profits in the oil and gas industry.

  1. Permian Basin, Texas:
    • Source: Society of Petroleum Engineers (SPE) paper SPE-184891-MS, titled “A Comprehensive Approach to H2S Management in the Permian Basin”
    • Operator: XTO Energy (now ExxonMobil)
    • Field: Clara Peak Field
    • H₂S content: Up to 10% in certain wells
    • Impact:
      Production loss: Estimated 20-30% reduction in well productivity due to formation plugging and equipment corrosion, translating to lost revenue exceeding $50 million annually. This calculation assumes an average well production of 1,000 barrels per day and a crude oil price of $50 per barrel.
      Corrosion costs: Approximately $10 million annually for replacing damaged pipelines, valves, and other equipment, as reported in the SPE paper.
  2. Bakken Formation, North Dakota:
    • Source: North Dakota Department of Mineral Resources (NDMNR) production data and news reports
    • Operator: Hess Corporation
    • Field: Parshall Field
    • H₂S content: 3-5% on average, with pockets exceeding 10%
    • Impact:
      Production loss: A 15% decline in overall field production over a two-year period, resulting in lost revenue of roughly $150 million. This estimation considers the field’s average production of 50,000 barrels per day and a $50 per barrel price point.
      Corrosion costs: NDMNR reports indicate Hess Corporation spending $20 million on infrastructure repairs and replacements attributed to H₂S corrosion within the Parshall Field.
  3. Eagle Ford Shale, Texas:
    • Source: Railroad Commission of Texas (RRC) production data and industry news articles
    • Operator: EOG Resources
    • Field: Karnes Field
    • H₂S content: 2-4% on average, with localized spikes up to 8%
    • Impact:
      Production loss: Well shutdowns and reduced flow due to H₂S plugging resulted in a 10% production decline across the field, leading to lost revenue of approximately $40 million. This calculation is based on the field’s average production of 20,000 barrels per day and a $60 per barrel price.
      Corrosion costs: RRC data shows EOG Resources spending $5 million on repairing and replacing downhole equipment affected by H₂S corrosion in the Karnes Field.

The Importance of Hydrogen Sulfide Removal Companies:

The oil and gas industry faces significant challenges related to hydrogen sulfide (H2S), encompassing environmental, health, safety, and production concerns. Finding a reliable company that mitigates hydrogen sulfide becomes paramount. These companies specialize in developing and implementing strategies to mitigate the impact of H2S addressing environmental, health, safety, and production concerns associated with hydrogen sulfide.

Hypochlorous Acid:

One promising solution is the use of hypochlorous acid (HOCl). Hypochlorous acid is a powerful oxidizing agent that has been proven effective in neutralizing hydrogen sulfide and its associated issues. Hypochlorous acid reacts with hydrogen sulfide, converting it into non-corrosive compounds. This helps prevent corrosion in pipelines and equipment, thereby extending their lifespan and reducing maintenance costs increasing production and revenue.

Mitigation Strategies Using Hydrolyte™ Hydrogen Sulfide Treatment

Hydrolyte™ hypochlorous acid has emerged as a groundbreaking solution for mitigating the impact of hydrogen sulfide in oil extraction and production. Let’s delve into the various aspects that make Hydrolyte™ an effective and sustainable choice.

  • EPA Approval:
    The Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) has approved Hydrolyte™ as a hydrogen sulfide treatment. This official recognition underscores its efficacy in addressing environmental concerns associated with H2S.
  • Pathogen Elimination:
    Hydrolyte™ hypochlorous acid is known for its effectiveness against 99.9999% of pathogens, including the bacteria responsible for hydrogen sulfide formation. This not only enhances worker safety but also contributes to maintaining a healthy production environment.
  • Improved Permeability:
    Hydrolyte™ HOCl treatment enhances the permeability of reservoir rocks by reducing the formation of sulfur compounds. This leads to increased oil flow rates and improved production efficiency
  • Biofilm Removal:
    Hydrogen sulfide often promotes the formation of biofilms in oil wells, exacerbating corrosion and production issues. Hydrolyte™ excels in removing biofilms, ensuring the longevity and efficiency of equipment.
  • Eco-Friendly and Low Toxicity:
    Hydrolyte™ is an eco-friendly solution with low toxicity, providing a safer alternative to more conventional and hazardous products used for hydrogen sulfide removal. The reduced environmental impact aligns with global efforts toward sustainability.
  • Minimal PPE Requirements:
    Unlike some more toxic products, Hydrolyte™ requires little to no personal protective equipment (PPE) during application. This not only enhances operational efficiency but also minimizes the risk of exposure to harmful substances for workers.
  • Cost-Effective and Safer Alternative:
    Compared to more toxic alternatives, Hydrolyte™ stands out as a cost-effective and safer choice for hydrogen sulfide removal. The long-term benefits of improved production efficiency, reduced maintenance costs, and enhanced safety contribute to a positive economic impact for oil and gas companies.


In conclusion, recognizing the challenges posed by Hydrogen sulfide implementing effective mitigation strategies is essential for ensuring the sustainability and profitability of oil extraction operations.

Hydrolyte™ hypochlorous acid emerges as a revolutionary alternative, addressing environmental, health, safety, and production concerns associated with hydrogen sulfide. The EPA approval, effectiveness against the bacteria that causes hydrogen sulfide, eco-friendly nature, minimum PPE requirement, and cost-effectiveness make Hydrolyte™ a strategic choice for oil and gas companies aiming to optimize production, increase revenue, and ensure responsible industry practices.